I'll tell you a bit about me, but first, I'd like to tell you a bit about you. You see I already know that you are loved beyond measure and of inestimable worth. And if you don't know Jesus yet, please believe me when I tell you that He already knows you and longs to be known by you.
I am who I am because of Jesus. I didn't always know him. There were years of my life when all I knew was pain and loneliness and confusion. There were days I thought would never end. I didn't have a lot of hope for my life. But I was good at faking it and trying to look like I had it all together.
My story is the story of a little girl who was lost and longed to be found by love. And Jesus, in his mercy, found me.
I'm really a rather unlikely woman to have an outreach through music and speaking, with the goal of sharing the hope that comes through Jesus, but God likes to do the unlikely.
My life is full of both heartache and great joy, both loss and beautiful gifts. It's an ongoing tapestry of beauty and brokenness. And I'm learning how to live freely and lightly in the midst of it all.
It's an ongoing process, one which will probably last a lifetime. But I'm learning to be okay with that.
Besides being a daughter of God, I am a singer, songwriter, speaker, professional organizer, and website designer. Basically, I love creating! Creating beautiful spaces, places, words, music, etc. I have two music CDs: "One Thing I Know" and "Uncaged Bird," both consist of mostly original music. I love to share my words and music with others.
My heart's desire is that others will know Jesus more intimately and love Him more deeply as they grow in their understanding of His unconditional, unwavering love for them.
I used to think Christian women speakers were women who had it all together. Women who had finally figured out how to do life flawlessly and beautifully. Women who had fountains of wisdom and who were overflowing with love, joy and peace. Maybe some of them are. But I've learned that I don't need to have it all together for God to use me. My confidence is not in my speaking skills or musical abilities or organizational habits.
My confidence is in Christ alone. "Your new life, which is your real life...is with Christ in God. He is your life" (Colossians 3:3, MSG).
I share life with my amazing husband, Corey, in Grand Rapids, Michigan. After 38 years of marriage we are still growing and learning how to love. We have three fantastic sons—John, Jake, and Tim. We are also blessed with our beautiful daughter, Melissa, whom God brought into our family through adoption in 2016. We’re excited to have gained three daughters-in-love (Andrea, Leah, and Hannah). And to top it off, we have five incredible little grandchildren—Jude, Lee, Haddie, Ezra, and Wyatt.
I am incredibly blessed by a rock-solid church and a number of extra-special girlfriends!
Even so, I struggle with life like everyone does. I take on too much, battle with perfectionism, try to find security in what others think of me, and analyze and introspect way too much!! I need grace. Every day.
I no longer look expectantly for "normal" to arrive in my life, but rather pray for joy and strength to follow Jesus each day I'm given. I fail consistently, but He helps me start fresh again and again.
May you be encouraged by my words, music, and story, and find your hope and joy in Him.
Hello, friend! I’m glad you’re here.
10 trivia facts
I love dark chocolate; my favorite is Lindt 85%.
I’m a die-hard University of Michigan fan! I especially love watching college football and basketball.
I enjoy quiet time alone reading—I love to read and learn about everything.
I once tried out for Wheel of Fortune—I love any type of word game, especially Scrabble.
I wrote love songs for each of our sons’ weddings—for their first dance with their new bride.
I love all genres of movies—from chick flicks like Pride and Prejudice and Return to Me to action films like Die Hard and Lord of the Rings.
I mostly wear Dansko shoes because they are so kind to my feet.
I’m usually a “can’t-eat-just-one” girl when it comes to most treats and desserts. Often, for me, none is better than one (which never ends up being one.)
I’m a game player and very competitive.
My highest bowling series is 646. When I was in high school, I taught bowling to elementary kids.